Why subscribe?

I started Liberty Lad in late 2019 and then COVID hit. World governments used the threat of pandemic to steal our freedom and turn man against man … www.libertylad.com was originally planned to be a website providing language and educational material. Little did I know, everything I had learned about the world was going to go crazy. Like many people, my life, my career, and my relationships were turned upside down.

I saw what happened from the inside of the US government and cofounded a 501c3, Feds for Med Freedom, to fight illegal government overreach. You can find more information at www.feds4medfreedom.org.

Liberty Lad is still about education. It is about educating yourself, so the State won’t do it for you.

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Educate yourself… you choose or they will for you.


Husband, Father, VP and cofounder of Feds4MedFreedom.org, 2/75 Ranger Bn... Proud Free-Thinking COVID Heretic